Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Review of LKY's Hard Truth Interview

Watch the entire interview here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihiE4oGyYlQ

I totally concur with whatever was said by Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

As for the highly disputed topic on Muslim integration, my take is that, its being taken out of context and that because of the way how the question is ask and the incomplete snap answer that Mr LKY gave that created the misunderstanding.

Muslims "separate-ness" to me is best described as like a "Vegetarian-Christian with brotherhood (gotong royong)". Just like our vegetarian friends, they have unique needs in the stuff they eat (halal); they are religious like our Christians whom goes to churches; and uniquely, for the Malay Muslims, they have this unbreakable bond between them which is widely known as Gotong Royong, or the Kampung Spirit.

Muslims "separate-ness" to me is best described as like a "Vegetarian-Christian with brotherhood (gotong royong)"

But the separateness and distinctness would just be as starking if the Chinese is the minority, whom eats pork, drinks alcohol and dun go to the places of worship every week.

But ultimately, that's the beauty of Singapore - the beauty of diversity. And I sincerely believe if we were to go to war, we will fight alongside each other as brothers and be proud to die for one another. =} (hope that day wont never happen though)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Regardless the Result.

Hi Dear Singaporeans,

Today, is Polling Day. As I'm writing this post, we are only 2.5 hours away from the end of Polling and the beginning of the transportation of the Ballot Boxes to the Counting Station/Centres.

Majulah! had been campaigning in support of the Opposition as its my personal belief that Singapore need a stronger slate of Opposition seats in Parliament to provide for check and balances against the overwhelming power of the PAP, in view of the poor performance by the PAP in the past 5 years. However, this by no means, saying that PAP had not done any good; PAP still have their good, despite their decreasing capability and increasing self-serving inclination.

Regardless of what is the final verdict today; regardless who is voted in.... Majulah! hopes that every Singaporean will give their best wishes to the winners, PAP or Opposition. Because, no matter what, it is a mandate given by the majority of our fellow Singaporeans. And in the faith of Democracy, it is a collective decision by Singaporeans and we should respect the final results.

Finally, Majulah! wish to appeal to all winners of this Election, to do their best for the People of Singapore; to serve with Integrity and Righteousness; to work towards making a brighter, fairer, more inclusive, more compassionate and most importantly, a happier Singapore for every Singaporean. A Singaporean Singapore.

Majulah Singapura!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

What to consider on Cooling Off Day?

This edition of the General Elections, it will be the first time where a "Cooling Off Day" is introduced by the PAP which disallowed any campaigning by the political parties prior to the Polling Day on Saturday.

Majulah!, not being too sure to what extend this new rule is being applied : "- The transmission by any individual of his personal political views to another individual, on a non-commercial basis, using the telephone, Internet or other electronic means"

To be safe, this will be the last Majulah! post prior to the Polling Day.


On this moment to the moment you step into the polling station, your thoughts (mainly the undecideds) will be switching back and forth whether to vote for the PAP or the Opposition.

My Take: Just vote for the Opposition.

The PAP had been too overwhelmingly empowered for too long. We were lucky to have Mr Lee Kuan Yew and his team to lead and bring Singapore from the 3rd World to the 1st World. But before you deciding to vote just because of this, please remember, the Election is about the Future you want; not to grade the PAP for their past glories beyond the previous term.

PAP led Singapore had been doing very well on a macro economic scale ever since Mr Goh Chok Tong took over the baton. But unknown to the Singaporeans then, Singapore the Republic is slowly transformed into Singapore Inc. Many of the corporations that were previously Government held are privatised and a profit-driven philosophy is installed. The years under Mr Lee Hsien Loong made matter worse as Singaporeans witnessed the worst ever performance by the PAP since their rise to power year prior to Independence.

Today, healthcare cost is so high that ordinary Singaporeans are avoiding getting medical treatment despite their dire need. Many said, its better to die than to fall sick.

HDB deliberately reduced the number of HDB built, coupled with the increased population, forced HDB prices to rise like to new heights; even during the recession year, HDB pegged their apartment pricing so firmly that even the private developers wanted to compensate for the poor sales of their private condos units by lowering their prices, were unable to do so because they can't be selling condos below HDB prices. And of course, without the Free Market Correction, prices just continue to rise from where they left of.

The big squeeze everyday which I think I do not need to say more.

Without enough Oppositions MP in Parliament, the PAP government could change the constitution anytime and in any way they want; the worst case scenario could be them, allowing the Permanent Resident voting rights so that they can tip that 51% they need amidst the increasing unhappiness against them.

ETC, etc... etc....

You get the drift.

PAP had a 25 years plan and while we are in the 10 or 15th year mark, they have no reason to let down and stop their plans. The lack of substance in the manifesto is a sign that they are intending to continue what they had been doing for the last 5-10 years: more foreigners, higher GST, higher ministerial salary, more ERP, higher healthcare cost, etc...

So dear Singaporeans, vote for the Oppositions, towards a more caring, more inclusive, fairer and more responsive First World Government.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

PAP's GE2011 PR Catastrophe

PM Lee's Day Rally Speech

"I feel sad for the PAP... literally.

....I was expecting much more from our Ruling party."

Today, our Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong apologised for the mistakes made by the PAP over the last 5 years, ranging from Mas Selamat's escape to the floodings and also the shortage of HDB flats built. And overall, it wasnt a bad speech either!

Objectively, its wasn't a bad thing, to apologise and admit one's mistake is admirable and respectful. But what is wrong, is the timing. He cannot choose a worse time to admit to PAP's imperfection and existence of gaffes & mistakes.

"what is wrong, is the timing. He cannot choose a worse time to admit to PAP's imperfection and existence of gaffes & mistakes."

Throughout the past 5 years, for every big incident/disaster, PAP's ministers kept quiet; pushing the blame away, and blatantly unrepentant about the problem that absolutely made under their jurisdiction. None of these PAP ppl admit to any mistakes and none of them, astonishingly, apologised at all.

Fast forward to today, in the red hot middle of the Elections period; of all the time and days in the world, PM Lee decided to apologise today. What a big mistake....

PAP's ministers kept quiet; pushing the blame away, and blatantly unrepentant about the problem that absolutely made under their jurisdiction. None of these PAP ppl admit to any mistakes and none of them, astonishingly, apologised at all.

Now, all the Oppositions jumped on his admission and trampled all over his effort to pull those former PAP supporters back to supporting the PAP.

There can only be 2 good time to apologise. FIRST, and as always the best policy, is to apologise IMMEDIATELY when the disaster strikes, regardless any investigation had been made or whether the fault is on "him" (as to the person in charge) or not. Which the PAP did not...

The only other good time, is when PAP returns to power on Election Day, re-elected once again, gaining the mandate of the people. PM Lee could have triumphantly thank the People of Singapore for keeping faith in the PAP, despite all the mistakes and gaffes that the PAP had made, and to promise the Singaporeans that PAP will do better this term.

PM Lee could have triumphantly thank the People of Singapore for keeping faith in the PAP, despite all the mistakes and gaffes that the PAP had made, and to promise the Singaporeans that PAP will do better this term.

But no........... he chose today.

This entire incident, together with all the other "self foot shooting" speeches/interviews, poor understanding of what will tick the heart strings of the people and gutter politicking shows that the PAP is poorly prepared for this General Elections, despite being the one deciding when it would take place.

PAP is the most powerful, richest and most resourceful Party in Singapore. They are the people who run the show in Singapore and the leaders whom are supposed to lead Singapore to a brighter future. But General Elections, probably the most important event on any PAP calendar, had suffered with such poor PR strategies and skills (public relations).

The various PAP teams do not seemed to be sharing the same ideology or election message; SM Goh shoots Wong Kan Seng just to protect George Yeo's butt (which at the same time, shoot every single other ministers); Every PAP speech sounds so scripted, too much macro talk, little substance and many fails to touch the heart of the people. Not to mention, failing to provide the plans and solutions for the problem they created themselves (which they in turn blame the world for it).

As a Singaporean, I totally concede that no matter what happen at the polls, PAP is definitely going to return back to power as a Majority. But the abysmal PR by the PAP highlights how weak, unprepared and disorganised PAP could become; especially in the face of such brilliant PR and organisational abilities shown by virtually all the Oppositions parties.

And thus, with the prospect of another 5 years under the PAP leadership, I'm really worried how well PAP could do, especially for the People of Singapore, when they can't even give a good clean fight against the Oppositions...

"the abysmal PR by the PAP highlights how weak, unprepared and disorganised PAP could become; especially in the face of such brilliant PR and organisational abilities shown by virtually all the Oppositions parties."

I really hope PAP would buck up... They had disappointed me in the way their fight had gone (despite me backing the Oppositions); I was expecting much more from our Ruling party.

I feel sad for the PAP... literally.

(Doesn't make sense since I'm taking the Oppositions' side, but really... I feel genuinely emotionally sad at the state of affairs of PAP)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Would PAP one day grant PR voting rights?

As by my previous articles, citing the possibility of PAP granting PR voting rights in future elections, I am by no means saying the PAP will do it; but the PAP will have the option to do it if they feel that their positions threatened or compromised enough.

In 10 years time, PAP would have achieve their target population of 6.5 million people in Singapore. Of which by then, there would have been at least 1 million of them gaining PR status. With only the maximum of 3 million Singaporeans Citizen voters, PR voters whom are likely to vote for the ruling party together with staunch supporters of PAP (including Civil Servants whom believe they are obligated to vote for the PAP) would almost definitely ensure power for the PAP.

But this drastic constitutional change might not happen, as it would permanently damage PAP's reputation and trust among the true blue Singaporeans. But according to history, PAP had not restrained themselves from doing anything possible to defend their position of power, so there is always such possibilities as long as the Constitution is not protected with adequate number of seats held by Oppositions.

I'm not selling fear as the previous articles seemed (because I was genuinely frightened by the possibility), but at the same time, we cannot deny the fact that PAP could do it if they want to.

When that day really comes, Singaporeans will have no rights whatsoever to revoke the Constitutional change because.... we gave them the mandate and voted them in.

This revelation is meant as an education to the people as to the importance of Opposition in the house, an additional thing to consider who you should vote and please do not construe this as an direct attack against the PAP. I will still say the same thing if one day WP is in absolute power - no party should have absolute power.

The Regime of Fear and its Toll.

Posting in support of the Opposition here, and on a personal level of Facebook apparently taken its toll on the people around me, and the people who cares for me.

The amount of pressure and risk taken by the Opposition candidate are thus beyond what I can imagine.

Just still 5 days from the Polling Day, my love one already pleading me to stop my campaigning for Opposition support. I do not fear (since I do not attack personalities thus dun run the risk of lawsuits), but fear strikes those who cares of those that are campaigning against the Ruling Party.

This regime of fear, and the perpetration of the fear of the PAP had reached a point where, it suddenly felt like the 1960s and 1970s all over again. It reminds me of the time where Mr Lee Kuan Yew consolidates his power through amazing political maneuvers as well as hard stances/actions against its opponents. Although I'm not in irk with what was done, because all along history, great leaders make hard and difficult decisions for the good of the majority. Churchill sent Allied Troops up the Normandy against one of the most fortified regions in Europe; Emperor Han Wu Di consolidated power thru his patience and foresight, making countless tough decisions.

But in today's context, the existence of the "fear factor" is disappointing. And to think that we are in a democracy, the existence of fear of the PAP is ridiculous and at the same thing, distraughting.

PAP will come back to power at the end of Election Day, that is for sure. I can only hope that PAP will take a bit more effort, fill in the gap that left behind in their pursue of revenue and GDP growth and get back some of the lost trust Singaporeans have had in them.

At least 1/3 of the Singaporeans are disappointed with the PAP, despite I know PAP do not need their vote (PAP only need 51% to win); I hope PAP would do the right thing, a good political party would do.

Who should the one providing the Future Plans of Singapore?

Honestly, I'm very disappointed with the way how the election is going so far because until today, just 5 days from Polling Day, I still dunno what are the macro plans PAP have for Singapore. I still dunno HOW PAP is going to tackle of the issues that had arise from PAP's last 5 years in power.

What more joke-able, is that so many People of Singapore are scrutinizing the plans and proposals from the Opposition... Do you know that MM Lee, SM Goh and PM Lee might be laughing at this "game" thats happening, and we the Singaporeans are really as daft as they believe?

"MM Lee, SM Goh and PM Lee might be laughing at this "game" thats happening, and we the Singaporeans are really as daft as they believe?"

I can't really stress enough: NO OPPOSITION PLANS WILL GET THE GO AHEAD FROM THE PAP (if PAP returns to power as a Majority Party).



SO... why the hell are you still reading and finger pointing the proposals and points made by the Opposition which you think will not work for Singapore? Dun you think its a bit too early to scrutinize the Opposition for a credible alternative plan when everyone knows that the PAP will return to power with a massive majority ultimately in this election?

ONLY THE PAP's PLANS WILL GO THROUGH. And so, this question beckons: What is PAP's future plan for Singapore? How are the PAP going to deal with all the issues that faces Singaporeans today?

...........* silence *.............

"Why would the PAP stop what they had been doing for the past 5-15 years when their plans are planned up to 25 years in advance and had been working extremely well for them and their "report card"?"

Honestly, you know why PAP is so quiet? Because they CANNOT reveal their plans to you.... because...
- they intend to continue to bring in more foreigners
- increase the population in Singapore to 6.5 million
- continue to build more ERPs
- continue to raise their salary
- continue to raise GST to 10% for some stupid reason
- continue to let HDB prices balloon
- continue to control the number of HDB built to create a scarcity to push the prices up
- continue to give more scholarships to foreigners together with allowances
- continue to set up work fairs in China to attract for Foreigners
- continue to raise transport fees to keep the transport companies profitable
- continue to allow medical fee to increase to keep the hospitals profitable (or more profitable)
- etc...

You get my drift? Why would the PAP stop what they had been doing for the past 5-15 years when their plans are planned up to 25 years in advance and had been working extremely well for them and their "report card"?

Nothing will change under PAP in the next 5 years. Mark my words. NOTHING will change.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


source: facebook, http://www.facebook.com/notes/windy-voice/spread-this-greatest-fear-after-ge2011/104752662945762

by Windy Voice on Friday, April 29, 2011 at 1:47am

Dear fellow Singaporeans, friends, Alternative (Oppositions) Parties, PAP supporters and PAP moles who will be reading this.

This note is not going to tell a tale of whether to fire our maid anot or whether PAP is fair or unfair in the past elections or how badly or how good PAPhave perform for past 5 years but this note is going to highlight my GREATEST FEAR which so far I have yet seen any netizens posted out.

After watching TV broadcast about the WP rally host @ HG SMC, I have a chat/ discussion with my dad.I found out that for the past few elections, there're always so much viewers @ Opposition parties rallies. But however in the end, every elections, the Opposition parties do not get enough votes to get into the parliament. Hence, our parliament never have enough (>1/3) alternative voice to cancel any bills proposed by PAP.

After some research online, I've concluded something: That this election is not a joke! And do you know what I fear most? The unstoppable bills by PAP in Parliament House!

Kindly vote for all Alternative (Oppositions) Parties in your area! No matter if they are good or bad, new or old, even you trust or do not trust them! Why? Because this election we really need at least need 1/3 non-pap members inside parliament. Why?

Because if after this election, PAP still take >80 seats. Any bills proposed by them will passed through and cannot be block because we do not have enough non-pap members to voice out and reject those bills. If in the next 5 years, PAP suddenly make a bill like in Hong Kong (SAR) where they let all Permanent residents (PRs) to vote. Next election, we, the TRUE BLUE BLOOD Singaporeans' voting powers will be totally gone.Kindly take a look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_Hong_Kong

If in the next 5 years, PAP suddenly make a bill like in Hong Kong (SAR) where they let all Permanent residents (PRs) to vote. Next election, we, the TRUE BLUE BLOOD Singaporeans' voting powers will be totally gone.

[...Any Hong Kong permanent resident (PR) aged 18 or above may register as an elector in the geographical constituency in which he/she resides, except those mentally incapacitated and those serving in an armed force...
...Article 21 of The Basic Law of HKSAR stipulates:
Chinese citizens (PRCs) who are residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be entitled to participate in the management of state affairs according to law. In accordance with the assigned number of seats and the selection method specified by the National People's Congress, the Chinese citizens among the residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall locally elect deputies of the Region to the National People's Congress to participate in the work of the highest organ of state power...]

So, am I just another Chicken Little crying that the sky is falling? You may think PAP will not dare to create such a bill and even if they will, they would have created it long before. But think twice, if PAP create such a bill in the past, Singaporeans will be alert about there's a large inflow of PRs who can vote in elections. And the limited amount of PRs would not be able to vote and support PAP even if elections were held.

But story is different now, after these few years of largely import of Permanent Resident (PRs), we are totally surrounded by PRs, PAP are now able/ ready to propose such a bill. Anytime, just one time, they can just create a bill to allow PRs to vote in coming election 2016 and we are dead meat. These PRs will definitely vote for PAP to ensure they can stay here and replace ALL SINGAPOREANS.

Anytime, just one time, they can just create a bill to allow PRs to vote in coming election 2016 and we are dead meat.

That's why for this GE2011, if PAP are still holding at least 2/3 of the 87 seats, the Bills proposed by PAP will pass through like flowing water. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore_Parliament

In fact, there should never ever be any single party in a parliament in the first place because they act like a monarchy with total government powers in their hands. Any bills is exactly an orders. Whatever voting process they may go through are for public show. Tell me have you seen before who from PAP will dare to stand out and opposed their own PAP policies bill?

Hence, this GE2011 is very important, no, maybe I should say this is the MOST IMPORTANT election ever! PAP has already note on that this time the ground is not that sweet and there are many citizens are not happy with their policies. After GE2011, they try their best to make any bill to pass in Parliament in order ensure itself staying as incumbent. One of such bill maybe to let Permanent Residents (PRs) to vote to support them.

Wake up, my dear fellow Singaporeans. Do not overlook these details. Kindly avoid the same mistake again and again.We can not afford to make mistake again or we (PAP supporters and PAP moles included) will be totally replaced by PRs! Never give absolute power to a single party. Dun just think/ focus on PAP policies of economic growth, they are "icing on cake", PAP are going to replace us ALL with PRs after GE2011.

Hence, above briefly mentions my GREATEST FEAR for GE2011. Every Singaporeans, dun joke about for this election. Every vote counts. This is not a game. Vote wisely.

Vote the Alternative (Oppositions) Party in! Vote for any party! WP, SDP, SPP, NSP, RP, SDA!
Trust our future in their hands! In fact, actually we dun have a choice! It's now or never!
WE MUST REALLY HAVE >1/3 of the 87 seats filled with Alternative (Oppositions) parties!
In order to not get replace by the PRs!

Let us have a First World IDEAL Republic of Singapore - Majulah Singapura!

= Windy Voice 2011 =


Above article is the work of Windy Voice. He/She happened to be advocating the same view as Majulah! ; but he/she went even further to highlight the potential threat that exist for Singapore - honestly, I am totally shocked by the prospect and the possibility, in fact, the existence of such law in Hong Kong already.


PAP already have a lot of loyal votes, they wont get kicked out so suddenly. It is the undecided voters like you that will make the difference.


Oppositions' plans are irrelevant.

"Most of the Oppositions proposals will never go through, because as long as they are not part of the Majority in Parliament, none of their plans will get the go ahead nor the fundings from the Government."

A lot had been discussed and debate or even argued among the voters abt the manifestos and plans proposed forward by the Opposition. Whereas, PAP's manifesto is nothing more than just some grandeur words backed by no concrete plans what-so-ever...

Yet... the interesting thing is that, there is little finger pointing towards the lack of detail by the PAP, and a lot of debating about the intricacies of the Oppositions' proposal, especially by PAP supporters.

Voters, please remember this: most of the Oppositions proposals will never go through, because as long as they are not part of the Majority in Parliament, none of their plans will get the go ahead nor the fundings from the Government. PAP have no reasons to help Oppositions gain political points by giving the Oppositions what they want to fulfill their election promises.

"PAP have no reasons to help Oppositions gain political points by giving the Oppositions what they want to fulfill their election promises."

So: Oppositions' Plans and Manifesto = Pointless.

So you may ask, why vote for the Opposition then?

The only reason left to vote for the Opposition is this: We need at least 28 Oppositions (1/3 of all the Parliamentary seats) to block any changes to the Constitution of Singapore that is not of benefit to People of Singapore.

This is very very important because the Constitution of Singapore is the Soul of Singapore. We must at least be able to protect it from any changes thats is negative to fellow Singaporeans. And its also because of the lack Oppositions that resulted in the existence of GRC, which ultimately increased the barrier for Oppositions or anyone whom would like to represent the people to get into Parliament.

"We need at least 28 Oppositions (1/3 of all the Parliamentary seats) to block any changes to the Constitution of Singapore that is not of benefit to People of Singapore."

As for most Bills that did not require a change in Constitution, all is needed is a simple majority, which is almost a given since the Majority Party (in our case, the PAP) is always going to get their bills passed despite any opposition to it. But the existence of Oppositions will give robust debates and corrections to any proposed bills, thus enabling the bills passed to be checked and at least more well thought through than what it used to be.

"For most Bills... all is needed is a simple majority, which is almost a given since the Majority Party (in our case, the PAP) is always going to get their bills passed despite any opposition to it"


So under no disillusion, its almost certain that PAP will return to power as a Majority come Saturday on Election Day. What is important is, how many Oppositions will win a seat in Parliament and represent the other 49% of Singaporeans which PAP do not need to return to power.

Hope this article give you a clearer understanding why we should vote for Opposition come Election Day.

If you feel that PAP did a good job, and we can trust them to the point that we do not need Oppositions to have any check and balance to any proposed Bills or existing Legislations, Please just vote the PAP.

If you feel that, as a result of the lack of Opposition, that we are experiencing a dip in our happiness and quality of life as compared to 5 years ago in the last election; and thus realising that there is a vital need to have more Oppositions to voice our concerns: Please just vote the Opposition regardless who they are.

"The existence of Oppositions will give robust debates and corrections to any proposed bills, thus enabling the bills passed to be checked and at least more well thought through than what it used to be."

The vote is with you. Vote wisely.

Voting is Secret. Voting is compulsory.